Yorkshire Dance

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Bryony Mylroie-Smith

Bryony Mylroie-Smith

Bryony first encountered Yorkshire Dance as a Phoenix Dance Academy student at the age of 16, and she now teaches dance in a variety of settings.

“I have been teaching dance in both community and educational settings for the last seven years, the last three years of which I’ve been working at Yorkshire Dance as part of the Saturday Superstars team. I began at Yorkshire Dance as an assistant to the Street Styles classes. I enjoyed the role because I could spend lots of time working with individuals on developing their skills and reaching their goals.

“I really enjoy working at Yorkshire Dance because it is always busy and every class is full ofenergy. It’s also great to work with other dance artists in such a supportive way as it can be quite isolating working on your own as a freelancer all the time.

“Over the past three years I’ve had the opportunity to assist in all of the Saturday classes and now assist Parents & Tots and Street Jazz, and teach the Street Styles classes collaboratively with Bobak Walker. It’s a really nice way to deliver because Bobak and I bring different qualities to the sessions, so the children get a broad range of skills throughout the term.”


20 August 2014

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