Yorkshire Dance

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Competing for Sunlight: Ash

Competing for Sunlight is a Short Dance Film Series, featuring protagonists of a range of different tree species and Dance, telling individual short stories.

History repeats itself. Almost hundred years ago, the Dutch elm disease swept over the European continent, all but eliminating the – hitherto very important – elm tree species (Ulmus sp.) from our forest landscape. Nowadays, it is extremely rare to come upon one of the few remaining elms in a European forest.

Ash is a eulogy for the ash tree and for Prasthan Dachauer, who passed away in 2016.


Director: Dagmar Dachauer
Choreography and Dance: Dagmar Dachauer, Knut Vikström Precht
Cinematography, Post-Production: Kilian Immervoll
Assistant Director: David Mair
Lighting: Benjamin Lachower
Music: Green Grass’ by Tom Waits
Producer: Dagmar Dachauer
Co-Producer: Bert De Somviele
Co-Production: C-TAKT Dommelhof, BOS+
Produced by: UMFUG

Supported by: Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Land Oberösterreich

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