Community Skate Dance
Tutor: Lottie Leverall
Clothing: Whatever you feel comfortable in, and your own skates. You MUST wear jamplugs or toestops. Inline and quad skates welcome
Venue: Yorkshire Dance
Cost: Class £7. Skill Share session £5. 6 session Class Pass £36 (must be purchased from the start)
Roller Dance is a type of roller skating that has been around for decades. Community Roller Dance Sessions is a friendly, no-pressure space to learn the art of roller dance together, from the basic steps Downtown, Zero, Strut Walk and beginner spins, to learning routines as a group. We vary between learning some needed skate skills for roller dance, routines and dances. This term we will alternate between structured Taught Lesson and a Skill Share Session. The taught lessons are more structured, whilst the skill share sessions are more free, but there is still a coach available for questions.
No skate hire available
All abilities, but you must be able to stand up on skates and roll forward and back
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