Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidelines
Thu 12 March 2020
Yorkshire Dance Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidelines
Last updated 11th March 2020
This statement is for Yorkshire Dance visitors, participants, their families, freelance staff and visiting artists.
Yorkshire Dance continues to follow proper health and safety precautions to ensure the well-being of participants, staff and visitors to our building. There’s currently no cause for concern at Yorkshire Dance – our priority is to ensure that the Yorkshire Dance community feel safe and happy when spending time taking part in dance at our studios and elsewhere. During this time of heightened sensitivity around hygiene and public health, we are taking an informed approach to help to address any concerns you may have and allow you to continue dancing in comfort.
Many dance styles involve touch and close proximity to other people so it’s vitally important to consider current coronavirus information and take precautions before, during and after your dance sessions.
We would like to make sure all people attending our sessions are well informed about coronavirus (COVID-19) and are taking the right precautions before attending the sessions.
The government’s latest information and guidance, which is updated daily and includes affected areas, can be found at:
Please do not attend sessions if:
- You have any cold or flu-like symptoms, including fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. Seek and follow the NHS medical advice, consult the 111 online coronavirus service (see further links provided below).
- You do not have any symptoms but you have travelled to the UK from any of the affected areas in the past 14 day: we would ask you not attend sessions until you have had the appropriate medical advice. You can consult 111 online corona virus service and NHS advice for travellers
- You do not have any symptoms but in the past 14 days you think you have been in contact with someone who might have contracted coronavirus (COVID-19): we would ask you not attend sessions until you have had the appropriate medical advice. You can consult 111 online corona virus service and NHS advice for travellers
Before attending sessions:
- Stay informed and updated: Carefully read official information and advice on Coronavirus (COVID-19) (see links below)
- Check for communications from your teacher or Yorkshire Dance to see if the class has been cancelled. Yorkshire Dance will put information about any cancellations on our website and through our social media networks (@YorkshireDance). If we are required to cancel a session, any refund information (if applicable) will be shared at that time.
- Before coming into the session, wash your hands with soap and warm water or use a commercial hand sanitizer. The recommendation is to wash for 20 seconds (the Happy Birthday song twice through).
- Try to avoid dance clothes that expose large areas of skin- i.e. tank tops/shorts. Please bring spare clean dance clothes so you can change excessive sweaty clothes when needed.
During and after the session
- Wash your hands during any breaks and after the session and avoid touching your face.
- Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and wash your hands with soap and warm water.
- If you feel like you are developing cold or flu symptoms during the session we would ask you to consider leaving the session and let the facilitator/teacher know. Then seek NHS medical advice as above.
If you think you may have had exposure to someone who has the coronavirus and you develop the following symptoms – cough, difficulty in breathing, fever – you should call NHS 111 from your mobile, or 999 if an emergency (if you feel seriously ill), explain which country you (or the infected person) have returned from in the last 14 days and outline your current symptoms.
Please stay updated about Coronavirus (COVID-19) via NHS & government sites, take all official advised precautions and medical advice. Whilst there’s no guaranteed way to make dance sessions a completely risk-free environment, if we work together to ensure we practise the hygiene steps set out above we will help reduce risk.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to a member of the team please don’t hesitate to contact us: T: 0113 243 9867
NHS general advice Coronavirus (COVID-19)
NHS 111 online coronavirus service NHS 111 Online – What to do coronavirus (COVID-19)
NHS Coronavirus advice for travellers
Government latest information and guidance