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Mixed Ability Dance comes to Leeds

Wed 6 December 2017
Part of: MADE Dance Class | 2018-2019
MADE - Jan 2018 © Sara Teresa

Over the last 6 months we’ve been working closely with International Mixed Ability Sport (IMAS) based in Bradford to design a brand new mixed ability dance class for the people of Leeds.

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve now secured funding from Sport England and Yorkshire Building Society Charitable Trust to kick-start a pilot programme, Mixed Ability Dance for Everyone (MADE).

So what is mixed ability dance?

Joining a beginner’s dance class as an adult can be a daunting prospect especially if you’ve never danced before. Many people worry about forgetting the steps or struggling to keep up with the rest of the class. Similarly people who have a visual impairment or who use a wheelchair can often feel that dance isn’t open to them at all.

Launching in January, MADE is a dance class with a difference. The weekly sessions are open to everyone aged 18+ regardless of age, gender, health condition or experience. Everyone is welcome!

Sarah Lyon, Youth & Community Manager explains, “Earlier this year we began investigating the different evening classes on offer in Leeds. We found that if you are a wheelchair user or have mobility issues you would really struggle to find a dance class.

“I also discovered, whilst talking to audience members at our events, that many people without a disability love the idea of dancing but are really nervous about joining a beginners’ class. So when we heard about IMAS and their fantastic mixed ability rugby club we were keen to explore this idea further.”

Dance is a great way to keep active and, unlike other sports, it offers plenty of opportunities for creativity. At Yorkshire Dance we believe dance is for everyone and there’s no reason why someone cannot enjoy dancing simply because, for example, they can’t fully extend their fingers or remember a long sequence of steps.

MADE is about coming together to meet new people and enjoy moving to music. Because everyone has a different level of mobility the group will use music and themes to inspire different movements around the space. Led by one of our experienced dance artists the MADE group will create a new piece each term culminating in a performance for family and friends.

MADE launches on Wednesday 10 January 2018 from 5.30pm – 7.00pm. For more information about the programme please contact Sarah Lyon (sarahlyon@yorkshiredance.com)

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