FRESH Challenge | 2020
During lock-down we challenged you to create your own screen dance at home. The response was brilliant! We have selected our favourite FRESH Challenge entries. Enjoy!
Read MoreAbout FRESH Challenge | 2020
Thank you to everyone who took part in our FRESH Challenge. We really enjoyed watching your entries pop up on our social media over the past few weeks. Below we have selected our favourite screen dances. We hope you enjoy the selection!
You can also click here to watch some of the brilliant screen dance films that we shared at our Family Encounters Festival in February 2020.
Dancers: Alissa Paul, Amber Howells, Amy Lodge, Asmah Salim, Chaneese Caan, Elliott Augustine, Emily Colton, Jordan Garside, Jack Richardson, Ksenia Bakshinskaya, Lauren Trim, Marina Tubau, Niamh Milligan, Poppy Richardson, Shirani Brook, Victoria Walker
Choreography by Stephanie Donohoe & Dancers
Inspired by choreography created by Mohammed Saeed
Production and Direction by Stephanie Donohoe & Helen Linsell
Music: 'Stay Alive' by Jose Gonzalez
Dandelion by MeshDance
Performers: Tess Donaghy, Francis Henry, Emma Hughes, Lauren King, Emily Kinghorn, Kaitlin McNulty, Louise Palin, Abi Sheridan, George Webster
Music: 'Quiet the Mind Instrumental' by Mr Pepino.
Original Concept: Mia Nielsen
Directed by: Karen Bartholomew
MeshDance Staff Team: Katie Aynsley, Melissa Jackson, Emily Kent, Ellie Smith
Supported by: Leeds Inspired and Arts Council England
‘Alone’ by Paige Gelder
Written, directed, filmed, edited and performed by Paige Gelder. 'Ain’t No Sunshine' by Dan Baines
Originally created and filmed for Luca Silvestrini’s Protein 'The Sun Inside'.
Music: Ain’t No Sunshine by Dr. SaxLove. (https://youtube.com/drsaxlove)
Dan is about to graduate from
Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance and is currently the apprentice dancer with Balletboyz. https://vimeo.com/user102480598
'Working From Home' by Alex Garland
Written, directed, filmed, edited and performed by Alex Garland.
Music: 'Working 9 to 5' by Dolly Parton.
https://youtu.be/Gf4vCW-wxl8My Autism, My Unicorn
Performed & Directed by Becki Parker
Sound by Nick Williams
Text by Laura Lindow
Voice by Megan Chaytor Wilson
Voice recorded by Martin Wilson