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Dance On programme showing great results!

Wed 22 January 2020
Part of: Dance On
Dance On website

Dance On is going from strength to strength with the latest research data showing great results in increasing the activity levels of adults over the age of 55 years through participation in weekly dance sessions.

Funded by Sport England, Active Ageing, Dance On (in partnership with One Dance UK, DARTS and the University of Leeds) has established over 25 groups across Leeds and Bradford engaging over 400 older adults of which over half were completely inactive at the start of the programme. Dr Laura Britten has been leading the research which collects baseline data and follow up data at 3, 6 and 12 months after participants start the programme. Alongside this, qualitative data is collected through focus groups, and more in depth research is undertaken with around 100 participants across Leeds, Bradford and Doncaster programmes.

Follow up data is evidencing increased wellbeing, increased physical activity and significant improvement in Timed Up and Go Tests (TUG) which measure the length of time it takes an individual to stand up from a seated position, walk three metres, turn around and sit back down.

Feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive, with many people contributing stories and case studies.

‘I just love to dance and I love the music and the social aspect.’

‘I find it has been such fun all the time, and all the people are such fun – nobody is miserable. You just feel good and happy for just having been to the class.’ Pearl, Dance On Leeds participant.


‘I think anything that you do that gives you movement helps long term, because you can’t just sit still and do nothing. It helps in all aspects of your life.’

Yorkshire Dance will be leading the programme in Leeds and Bradford until September 2020 with a view to supporting the sessions to become sustainable. There is potential to grow and develop the programme beyond this point across both Leeds and Bradford whilst gathering interest in expanding the programme to other areas of Yorkshire.

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