Encounters | a jam-packed line-up of incredible female artists
Thu 24 January 2019Part of: Encounters Festivals
We are so excited to share with you the line-up for Encounters festival in March.
Zsuzsa Rózsavölgyi (previously a dancer for Rosas) | Hannah Buckley | Sophie Unwin | Ella Mesma | Jamila Johnson-Small (immigrants and animals) | Fernanda Munoz-Newsome | Darren Pritchard | Beth Cassani | Rhiannon Faith | Madeline Shann | Lucy Suggate | TC Howard | Nicola Singh | Lizzie Klotz | Eleanor Sikorski | Amy Watson | Dennis Keighron-Foster | Laura Liddon | Danielle Byars
Over the last two years there’s been a new awareness in the debate about gender, power and equality.
The #metoo movement and the gender-pay gap figures demonstrated a deep seated and endemic impact of patriarchy to a wider public.
We wanted to know how dance contributes to this cultural change, how a feminist awareness impacts on dance making currently, and what it means to be a feminist dance maker in 2019?
We’re absolutely thrilled to present three solos by three very different dance makers and invite another nine highly diverse makers for workshops and discussion.
They each approach their dance practice and activism in different ways but share a feminist awareness.