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Joan’s Story | In Mature Company

Mon 13 May 2024
Part of: In Mature Company
News Story Joan Case Study IMC

Joan is 78 years old.  Before she became a resident at Carr Croft Care Home she loved baking, going to the pictures and sitting on a rocking chair whilst wearing a fancy jumper.  

She recalls learning to bake at Steinbeck school where her teacher taught her how to bake Rock Buns. Since then she has always loved baking, especially meat and potato pies.   

She always listened to music. In her bedroom she has a little radio and she loves listening to Shakin’ Stevens and one of her favourite tunes is Lady in Red by Chris de Burgh.  

She was never into dancing but she now looks forward to dancing each week in Yorkshire Dance’ In Mature Company sessions.  

“Initially I thought, I cannot dance! Then I got more and more involved. I get out of breath a lot, moving helps with my breathing.” 

She explains the sessions make her feel “good, happy, relaxed. I enjoy talking to residents more.”  

The care staff explain

“Joan comes to life during the sessions. The sessions have encouraged her to move more, she now tries to stand up by pushing herself off the chair”


In Mature Company takes dance and music into dementia care homes across Leeds, to improve physical activity levels and reduce loneliness. Weekly sessions take place in 4 care homes each year lead by a team of dance artists and musicians.

Dance artists for 2023 included Kirsty Arnold, Rachel Clarke, Tora Hed,  Thom Mckeon, Thilde Andreasen, Alex Garland, Vanessa Grasse and Shauna McSwiney.

Musicians included: Will Turner, Georgie Buchanan and Dave Mitchell

Thanks to Joan for sharing her story.

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