Ten dancers named for Performing Gender residency
Mon 13 August 2018Part of: Performing Gender: Dance Makes Differences | 2017-2018 | Gender Moves Performance Project | 2018

Yorkshire Dance is delighted to announce the names of the ten emerging dancers who will be joining Slovenian dance artist Nataša Živković in a week-long professional development residency this October.
They are Stephanie Donohoe, Tora Hed, Charlotte Jones, Marie Koehl, Jemma Mae, Olivia Paddison, Maria Popova, Imogen Molly Reeve, Reynaldo Jr Santos & Emily Snow.
The residency is part of Performing Gender, a five-nation partnership investigating new forms of narrative for gender identities, now in its second year.
Nataša’s current research is into an unusual phenomenon; the ‘sworn-virgins’ of Montenegro. Since medieval times in remote, strongly patriarchal villages, if the head of a household dies without a male heir, one of his daughters can choose to become a man. But this ‘privilege’ comes at a price…
You can see the outcomes of their research at a sharing of their work-in-progress at Yorkshire Dance on Friday 26 October.
At that same event, our local Gender Moves group, with artists Phil Sanger and Fernanda Prata, will also share the outcomes of recent creative workshops.