Climate Encounters Festival | June 2021
Climate Encounters is a festival exploring how we can dance to a sustainable future.
Read MoreAbout Climate Encounters Festival | June 2021
Climate Encounters Festival Programme can we viewed below
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The climate emergency is increasingly understood as the biggest challenge we face. Artists of all disciplines have been making iconic work in response to this crisis globally for decades, however dance has not been leading the way. With this small festival we ask how dance helps us to move forward, digest science and find solutions? How does it shape hope within this complex problem and or provides us with new experiences, encounters and insight?
How, as dance makers, do we understand the value of our unique offer in the face of this issue?
We’ve been lucky to work with an exceptional group of artists and academics as co-curators to help shape the focus of this week. Together we considered the many responses to an open call-out and were signposted to a plethora of work. We cannot begin to do justice to such a vast topic but hope this is a starting point from which many other events will follow.
More than anything, we want this event to be tiny part of a global movement for awareness raising and change.
In the face of such an unfeasibly large and complex problem we aim to find connection and hope.
Yorkshire Dance would like to thank Kate Cox, Vanessa Grasse, Clare Martynski, Janetta Maxwell, Madeline Shann, Ben Skinner and Subathra Subramaniam for their expertise and input to the programme of this Encounters mini-festival as part of the co-curation group.
Check out our Climate Conversations Series 1 where we invite our Climate Encounters artists to explore their relationship with the Climate Crisis through bespoke blog, audio and visual pieces.